Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Gardener's

Gosh darn, mother effer's! Now, I really could cuss my brains out, but I don't want you to know gauche I really am. Justin kidding, it's all a facade anyway. I, like most of society, love to wear my social mask and project what I like others to think of me for the world to see. Today is a wonderful day. Again, a wonderful day. I really can't imagine why God has given me so many wonderful days in rapid succession like He has as of late. But, who am I to complain? I am nothing but a speck on a cell on a freckle on the ass of the Universe. I do have one interesting observation that I would like to share with you, yes a deep meaningful, life changing observation. Shhh, are you ready? Well, I'm sitting here in my bed. Just writing away in my journal, getting to know myself and all, thinking how amazing Christmas time is and listening to traditional Christmas Carol music on KUSC, when all of a sudden I hear them. I hear them in the distance, speaking there familiar, but all too un-understandable language. "Arriba Arriba...aye...aye...aye!" What the heck? Oh, yes it's the gardener's. I love my little Mexican friends. And, these guys are little. I mean, I'm no Paul Bunyan or anything, but these guys are like a full foot shorter than me! Anywho, they start up their equipment and making all kinds of noise. It's cool. Brrrrrr, goes the leaf blower, right outside my window. In my angrier days, I probably would have...I probably would have..., well, I probably would have done nothing. I would have bit my lip? I don't know. Nothing. I just would have sat here and went, come on man, I'm trying to write in peace in here. Yeah, write in peace. Anyway, you'll be glad to know, I got a job offer today! Yep, I may be once again be gainfully employed. Go ahead and cross your fingers for me, because I still have to do a background check and a drug screening. Which both of those are questionable. Well, I haven't smoked weed in about a month so I should be okay. But God, who knows how many times I've been to jail? Shit, and the mental hospital? Jeeze, countless. I mean nothing serious or anything. Just the usual, you know, trying to use my holy piss to cast out demons from the tree's. I'm sure I'll be okay. That was a long time ago.

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